Corken Corner Blog

New home look fors. Ready to start your search for a new home? Let Corken + Company help. These tips are a great place to start! 303-858-8003

New Home Look Fors

So, you’re looking to buy a house. Congrats! This is an exciting time, especially for first-time home buyers, when dreaming and moving toward a new

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Enjoy all of the December holidays in harmony! Here are some activities that encompass traditions from Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.

Harmony in Holiday Celebrations

Celebrating holidays with inclusivity is a wonderful way to bring families together. Here are some activities that encompass traditions from Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa: Holiday

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Check out these 5 tips for effortless holiday hosting from our team at Corken + Company.

Effortless Holiday Hosting

Hosting a successful and effortless holiday party requires careful planning and organization. Here are five tips to help you host a seamless Christmas or New

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Rachel Sartin

Lori Corken