Working from Home- Remote Learning

Remote Learning
Lori’s daughter, Caiti, who works for our company as a leasing assistant and social media coordinator, is also a 4th Grade teacher. We know that kids and families are working to create a new sense of normal during these complicated times with remote learning. Take a  few tips from Caiti to help you make the adjustment like a pro:
  • Create a daily schedule that works for YOU- Plan times that you can offer student support, and other times when your child can work independently so you can complete your own work.
  • Set limits- It is easy to let work go longer than expected. What time will you start and stop working? Then, do all you can to abide by the limits you have set.
  • Create a workspace- Just like you need a functional space to work at home, so do your kids. Work with them to create a learning environment that they can concentrate in, have all of their supplies handy, and emulates a school learning environment as best as possible.
  • Limit distractions- It is already distracting enough for kids to be at home around siblings, toys, etc. Try to find a workspace that limits distractions and/or noises that may inhibit learning or make it hard to kids to participate in class.
  • Make  time for movement- Keeping the body moving is just as important as the mind. Incorporate games, use Go Noodles, or just get outside.
  • Give yourself grace- You are handling a lot, and so are your children. Any learning is productive so whatever innovative ways you can come up with to approach learning and incorporate teaching into your daily activities is good- get creative and embrace it!

Need more tips? Email Caiti directly at and she can respond with advice and support for remote learning!

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